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Showing posts from May, 2021

Covid-19 May Have Changed The Education Industry Forever

  Covid-19 May Have Changed The Education Industry Forever Blog A formal education program is important to the mental growth and development of everyone. It plays a key role in socialization and contributes significantly to who people become in the future. Throughout this Covid-19 era, formal education has changed dramatically as schools look for alternative ways to teach their students in cities with restrictions. In places where in-person learning has resumed, students need to take extreme measures before they can be allowed to step into schools. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the education system forever. Even when the virus burns out totally, the world will need to accept many of the changes as the new normal. Covid-19 Has Turbocharged the Evolution of Education  A few decades ago, educators taught students the same way they were taught in their time. They typically dispensed knowledge without worrying about the educational needs of the student. However, things have changed sign

Three Future Trends That Will Forever Change The Education Industry

Covid-19 has certainly been disruptive to many industries around the world, but the education industry has been overlooked by many. Teachers and students are suffering from a lack of motivation and the general perception of the value of education is on a decline with remote learning. This has caused many students to turn to non-traditional sources of education. With this occurring, it begs the question: what will the future of the education industry look like once the pandemic ends? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t 100 percent clear, but there are certain signs that point towards the probable future. Regardless of the specific future of education, there will always be a need to educate the new leaders of society. The Rise of Trade Schools Trade schools differ from traditional sources of education in that they focus less on general education and teach students information that is more industry-specific. For perspective, trade schools such as  General Assembly  place an emphasis on prepar